'Mind the Gap' explores the way social media dictates the interactions that human beings have in both the virtual and physical world. We investigate the impact of apps and phones in our technologically driven society on mental health and wellbeing, considering the role of a more ‘mindful’ approach to connecting with other people on and offline.
An underground carriage is a hotspot of encounter, so what happens when we look up from our devices and become aware of those who actually surround us?

created by Hannah Harding and Rosa Higgs
Performed in the Boilerhouse Theatre 2018 • Egham
devised and performed by Lucy Ambrose, Sophia Chimonas, Jack Elmore, James Forth, Ruby Harrison, Sam Pout, Anna Robinson, Livvy Scott, Sophie Welbourne
design and publicity by Hannah Harding, Rosa Higgs and Jack Fairhurst
stage management by Susie Clifton and Amy Breese