Screenshot 2021-12-18 at 18.02.59.png

A N E M O / M E T R E

a study of the wind and its interaction with / relation to mindfulness practices and femininity

anemometer /ˌanɪˈmɒmɪtə / a device used for measuring wind speed and direction / anemo / from Greek anemos, wind; breath / metre /ˈmiːtə / the basic rhythmic pattern of beats


The original exhibition of this piece takes inspiration from images of anemometers found in The Ladybird book of The Weather. The hollowed out semi-cylinder and range of movement offered by what was once a chrome bedside lamp, paired with the ring-bound rectangular form of the bookwork itself emulate the scientific instrument and home-made alternative for measuring wind speed pictured in The Weather.

With each copy of 'anemo/metre’ is the invitation to animate the piece from home. Take your book outside (preferably on a windy day!) and find a sturdy twig, long and thin enough to fit through the rings. Hold the book out and watch the pages move with the passing breeze.

I performed sections of ‘anemo/metre’ in the Royal Holloway Picture Gallery as part of the University’s COP26-adjecent programme of talks and readings on issues surrounding the climate crisis titled ‘Picturing the Weather’.